On a weekday afternoon, the Ortho/Neuro adapted exercise class is about to begin at the Cummings Centre. The class is designed for persons with bone, joint, spinal, as well as neuromuscular issues such as Multiple Sclerosis. Cummings Centre participant Linda Gold is looking forward to another session noting that, although it is a group program, the small class size is as close to ‘one-on-one’ as you can get. “Instructors know participants very well, are very attentive and recognize our limits,” said Linda, who notes that the class addresses some of the difficulties she has, particularly multiple sclerosis. According to Linda, her arthritis and a recent knee surgery has added to the mix to make this class a good fit. “In terms of MS, where your muscles tend to stiffen up, the exercises keep me flexible,” she added. “The class makes me feel more able than unable and that is a good feeling.” Browse fitness classes at programs.cummingscentre.org

– Linda Gold

Parkinson’s Awareness Month, Cummings Member put her Gloves On
“My boxing class is definitely a highlight of my week! I have Parkinson’s Disease. It doesn’t define me but it absolutely impacts many aspects of my world. I am no stranger to vigorous physical activity. Prior to my Parkinson’s diagnosis 6 years ago, I was a gym rat doing spinning and weight training at least four times a week. I have read many articles touting the benefits of boxing on PD…and there enters Danny Roseman and the Cummings Centre “Boxing for PD.” A class of 10 participants; we’ve become friends and share all sorts of info. The ambience in the class is playful; the music is great and the boxing drills are challenging. We all leave the class tired. It’s the good kind of tired that follows exercise!”

– Donna Turner, Cummings Centre Member
To learn more about our Boxing Program and our full spectrum of specialized classes contact Anne Newman at 514.734.1841.


Several times a week, stroke survivor Van Vu, 70, can be found exercising in the Cummings Centre’s workout studio. Along with the guidance of staff kinesiologists, Vu is a regular in the Wellness Centre’s personal training program and also partakes in online post-stroke specific exercises at home. “The program is very good,” said Vu, who appreciates the personalized approach to the exercises that she follows. “The exercises are adapted to specific needs and the environment is motivating. Both staff and fellow participants are very encouraging and everyone is friendly and caring.”

– Van Vu, Cummings Centre Member

Jocelyn Wakefield has been involved with adapted exercise classes at the Cummings Centre since 2019. She recently signed up for an exercise class for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. “I am so impressed with the Centre. The instructors are all so attentive to the individual needs of clients. They encourage me to constantly work at increasing my strength and flexibility and cardiovascular activity. I definitely notice an improvement in all areas when I regularly attend classes.”

– Jocelyn Wakefield

“The convenience and accessibility of Cummings online programs has helped me to exercise more frequently and regulate my symptoms. The boxing class for individuals with Parkinson’s disease in particular, has been a savior by helping me to improve my balance and breathing- I am grateful!”

– Dominique Pelletier

“During the pandemic, I did a lot of online courses,” said Marie Flanders who also participates in fine arts classes at the Centre. “It is wonderful to be back in person at the Centre. It makes me feel part of a community. The classes keep me strong and I feel better for doing them. Socially it is good as well. Participants are happy to see one another.”

– Marie Flanders
May is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, to learn about the exercise and wellness classes designed for individuals with MS and other mobility issues, click here

Throughout the pandemic, Cummings online zoom classes were crucial to my wellbeing and quality of life. The instructors and my fellow classmates helped me stay motivated to keep moving which is critical to a post-stroke survivor like me. Today, I am so happy to be at the Centre, attending post-Stroke classes in person. I feel safe and the teachers work with me to ensure that I am doing the exercises correctly and using the right positioning and posture.

– Mr BaKhoa Le

Cummings Centre member Sylvia McFarlane, a stroke survivor, is very appreciative of the adapted classes she partakes in each week on Zoom. McFarlane participates in specialized post-stroke and voice exercise classes several times a week. “The programs are very good,” she says, noting that the teachers are understanding, pleasant to talk to and welcoming. “I really enjoy the classes and it helps my arm to be more flexible and the voice therapy helps a great deal with my breathing. If I have to miss a class for an appointment, I feel the difference. The classes help me improve my well-being and are very motivating.

– Sylvia McFarlane

Work out your body taking Zumba or other cardio classes even if you’ve never been in a gym before. The professionals are so knowledgeable and caring that I know they’ll help you find the fitness program that works for you.

– Maria-Cecilia Quant

Everyone needs a helping hand when recovering from surgery or adjusting to life with a longer-term condition. The Adapted Exercise Clinic is a place where people with similar challenges exercise and laugh together and share ideas.

– Jean Paul Dussault

I lost my husband to cancer a year and a half ago. If I didn’t have this place, I would’ve gone into a slump. I know when I get up in the morning, I need to get dressed, go to work and put a smile on my face.

– Hildy Silverman

Participating in the Adapted Programs brings so many of us dealing with difficult diagnoses out of isolation. I exercise in the gym alongside a dance and drum class. The conditioning allows me to function better on a daily basis.

– Denise Cymerman

I have been cross-country skiing with the outdoors club since my retirement over 15 years ago and I am happy to say that I am not the only one of a ‘certain age’ participating! When I am not out on the trails, I am in the workout studio. The trainers are amazing, and there is a wonderful mix of younger and older participants.

– Doreen Miller

Through the various programs at the Centre focusing on people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, I get the individualized attention I need to help me accomplish my goals.  From boxing sessions to Broadway classes, lectures and support groups, I can better bear my daily challenges, gain courage and support from others.

– Ray Eascott

The professionals in the Wellness Centre are simply amazing! I had quite a few aches and pains including sciatica when I first started my individualized exercise program but I now feel stronger and much better. The atmosphere in the Centre is so warm and I feel very secure-we are truly part of an extended family!

– Murielle Alloun

You live a different life in older years. You play the best of the cards you’re dealt. You give up or get up. I get up, workout out in the Cummings Gym, work on my strength… It’s a wonderful facility.

– Leonard Albert

This is such a positive atmosphere where everyone helps one another. I found out that I could do many things here… from art to yoga. Bit by bit, you become more flexible, more comfortable in your own body and talents. It gives me strong hope to become a healthy, vibrant 90!

– Janis Lipes