
‘Mother-daughter’ share a passion for community involvement

This mother’s day, Gloria April and her daughter Susan Ralph, both plan to celebrate a special day together and at the same time acknowledge their passion for community involvement. While Gloria has been involved at the Centre’s gift boutique for some 20 years, her daughter Susan only recently began to volunteer [...]

12 Steps to Boost the Quality of your Years

The New Year inspires us to reflect and make positive changes in our lives, here’s a list to help you start 2018 off right!1. Tame the tensionRelaxation is underrated! Start practising yoga, stability & mobility classes such as Tai Chi or meditation to reduce the impact of chronic stress (emotional and physical) on [...]

2018-01-17T11:18:45-05:00December 28th, 2017|Health|0 Comments

To the Beat of a Better Heart

September 29th is World Heart Day. Learn more about heart disease and what you can do to prevent it from affecting you. Heart disease is a general term that encompasses a wide variety of diseases, disorders and condition affecting the heart and blood vessels. Heart disease is a serious condition since it may cause damage [...]

2018-01-01T07:09:14-05:00July 25th, 2017|Health|0 Comments

Physical Activity – The Solution to Your Problems

It should come as no surprise that an inactive lifestyle has been proven by researchers to be unhealthy, especially amongst seniors. The benefits of exercise are also well-established (healthier heart, stronger muscles and bones, improved appearance, etc.) It is true that starting and maintaining a consistent exercise program can be difficult as you age. Recurring [...]

2018-01-01T07:08:23-05:00July 24th, 2017|Health|0 Comments